Illustration from Freepik
April 2020 - June 2020 Comepleted day to day tasks like -> Contribution in development of the REST APIs and password hashing and storing.
Tech Stack Nest.Js - Javascript
MongoDb - Database (NoSQL)
VCS -> Git/Github
Illustration from Freepik
Software Developer @ EasyOps Feb 2023 - April 2023 Development Style -> AGILE
Tech Stack Next.Js/React.Js - Javascript/Typescript
MaterialUi/TailwindCss/ChakraUi - Css
MongoDb - Database (NoSQL)
Jest, ts-jest, React Testing Library (Testing)
VCS -> Git/Github
Illustration from Freepik
Associate Software Engineer @ Quantela June 2023 - Present • Worked on Upgrading a Platform ( Angular ) • Module Development - UI / Unit Testing / Providing Critical Feedback on UX ( Angular ) • Helping the team as much as I can
Tech Stack JavaScript - Angular/NodeJs
VCS -> Git/Github